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Her Story

Earnestly animated about loving life, the Earth, and conscious evolution, Ja Sant invites women who want to evolve in their entirety, Women who are seeking to reconnect with their authentic selves and unfold their TruEssence.

Canadian-born, Ja Sant grew up on a farm, in a large Family, living a religious and traditional lifestyle. She experienced Married life for 21 years & is the Mother of 2 vibrant young Men. She was privileged to work as a teacher in elementary settings to children from the ages of 4 to 14.

She retired after 30 years in burnt-out mode, numb and frozen, and began an intensive journey traveling to different parts of the world to study with inspiring leaders.

After years of dedication to self care, unwinding & listening to her inner rhythm, she has learned through hard work, heartfelt determination to manifest beauty from the inside out, and the powerfulness of being a Woman. She gives thanks to Life as her greatest teacher & holds this wisdom to share with the people she encounters.

She now supports Women globally who are on the path of service and self actualization. It is from a place of radical freedom and belief that we love and meet others as deeply as we love and meet ourselves that she moves forward in her life.

“In my experience, a Woman who is fully embodied is at ease & comfortable in her body. A Woman who owns her body, who feels her heart & listens to the cues that she receives from her own Spirit is happiest. She is the One that she seeks.”

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When a woman does not have all the information, she cannot make informed decisions, then she doesn’t feel empowered in her experiences. She places her power into the hands of someone else who seems to know better. This handing over of power has left many women saying YES to treatments they didn’t actually want and feeling resentful from not knowing.

I was that woman. I began a long and intensive journey of traveling, studying and practicing, I have emerged with a sense of purpose, balance, and freedom. I continue to move forward, dedicating my life to my own embodiment, guiding and supporting other women who wish to regain vital energy, self-love & self-actualization.

From a place of radical freedom and with the foundational belief that we love and meet others as deeply as we love and meet ourselves.

“Self-realization is the greatest service we can render the world.”

~ Ramana Maharishi

Begin Your Journey

Begin your journey simply and at your own pace with simple and powerful purification techniques.